

Effective: February 04, 2024

Welcome to Viator, Inc., the provider of a global service that empowers users to explore, discover, and book travel experiences worldwide. Throughout this document, we collectively refer to these offerings as our “Services.”

Your trust in us is paramount, and the information you and others entrust to us enhances our ability to deliver more personalized and relevant Services. We take this responsibility seriously and are dedicated to providing you with valuable information, products, and Services tailored to the details you share with us. Equally important is our commitment to respecting your privacy when you engage with our website or utilize our Services. We strive to be transparent about how we handle the information you provide to us. Please carefully review this Privacy and Cookies Consent (“Consent”) to understand our privacy practices.

This Consent outlines how we collect, use, and process your information in a clear and transparent manner. It also details your rights, how to exercise them, and how to contact us. By accessing our website and mobile application on any device, such as a computer, phone, tablet, or similar device (referred to as a “Device”), you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Consent.

Our Services are accessible to users in various countries and territories, each subject to distinct laws and customs. This Consent offers a general overview of our privacy practices, with specific information relevant to users in certain regions or countries outlined in sections 12 and 13.

Key Sections of this Consent:

  1. Information Collected and Processed
  2. Information Uses and Purposes
  3. Information Sharing
  4. Information Choices
  5. Information on Children
  6. Information Transfers
  7. Information Security
  8. Information Deletion and Retention
  9. Cookies
  10. Statement Changes
  11. Contact
  12. Europe and the UK
  13. United States

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these sections to gain a comprehensive understanding of our commitment to safeguarding your information and respecting your privacy.

Thank you for choosing Viator. If you have any queries or concerns regarding this Consent, please feel free to contact us.

Affordability Meets Excellence

We understand that every traveler has unique expectations and budget considerations. At Irdegira, we bridge the gap between affordability and excellence, ensuring that our customers receive the best value for their money. Our carefully curated selection of activities and tours encompasses a range of price points, allowing you to choose experiences that align seamlessly with your budget.

Why Choose Irdegira?

Diverse Experiences: From cultural immersions to thrilling adventures, Irdegira offers a diverse array of experiences tailored to suit every traveler’s taste.

Affordability: We believe that memorable experiences should be accessible to everyone. Our commitment to affordability ensures that you can create lasting memories without breaking the bank.

Exclusivity: Discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path treasures with our exclusive tours and activities, designed to provide a unique and personalized touch to your journey.

Reliable Partnerships: We collaborate with trusted and reputable partners worldwide to ensure the highest standards of safety, quality, and service for our customers.

User-Friendly Platform: Booking your dream experience is easy with our user-friendly website and mobile app. Navigate seamlessly, explore our offerings, and secure your bookings with just a few clicks.

Partnership Opportunities

At Irdegira, we believe in the power of collaboration. If you are a Tour Operator, Business, or Affiliate Marketer looking to enhance your offerings and broaden your horizons, partnering with us opens the door to a world of opportunities.

Why Partner with Irdegira?

  1. Global Reach, Local Expertise: As a prominent Online Travel Agency (OTA), Irdegira boasts a global reach that extends to diverse markets. Partnering with us allows you to tap into our extensive network while benefiting from our local expertise to enhance your offerings.
  2. Exposure to a Vast Audience: Joining forces with Irdegira means gaining access to our vast customer base actively seeking unique and unforgettable experiences. Showcase your tours, activities, or services to a broader audience, increasing your visibility and potential for growth.
  3. Seamless Integration: Our user-friendly platform ensures a seamless integration process, making it easy for partners to showcase their offerings. Effortlessly connect with a global audience and start expanding your business immediately.
  4. Marketing Support: Irdegira is committed to the success of our partners. Benefit from our marketing expertise, promotional campaigns, and collaborative efforts to boost your brand visibility and drive bookings.
  5. Reliable Technology: Leverage our state-of-the-art technology infrastructure to streamline bookings, manage inventory, and enhance customer interactions. Our robust platform is designed to make the partnership experience smooth and efficient.

Tour Operators: Tailored Experiences, Expanded Reach

If you’re a Tour Operator, partnering with Irdegira opens avenues for promoting your unique experiences to a broader audience. Showcase your tours on our platform, reach new customers, and benefit from our marketing support to maximize your bookings.

Businesses: Enhance Your Corporate Offerings

Irdegira welcomes partnerships with businesses aiming to elevate their corporate offerings. Whether you provide team-building activities, corporate retreats, or exclusive packages, aligning with Irdegira allows you to present your services to a global audience seeking quality corporate experiences.

Affiliate Marketers: Monetize Your Influence

If you’re an Affiliate Marketer with a passion for travel, Irdegira offers an excellent opportunity to monetize your influence. Join our affiliate program, promote our diverse range of experiences, and earn commissions on successful bookings. It’s a win-win collaboration that rewards your efforts.